Contacts Suite™ from Care Business Solutions

Contacts Suite™ comprises a number of modular applications, which are specifically ready for user-driven customisation, both in the cosmetics, i.e. the ‘look and feel’ of the software, and also the business processes, which the organisation wants to utilise. There are six key modules that will enable the complete management of individuals and organisations as a parallel activity to the receipt and fulfillment of orders delivered by mail, telephone or via the web. Comprehensive, multi-party action and document management functions will enable the business process to be streamlined whilst administrative, back-office modules will provide sophisticated financial transaction processing, marketing, and campaign management and analysis.

User-defined attributes for customer focus

Contacts Suite™ enables user-defined analysis fields to be created and populated through a wide variety of mechanisms in order to provide an accurate, pertinent picture of any given contact or organisation. This will enable efficient customer service, effective cross-selling, and high-quality marketing activities to take place. A detailed financial history will automatically accrue against every customer, as will a highly detailed (and automatically filed) communication history that encompasses each inbound, outbound or internal contact with that individual. This will therefore extend from ad hoc letters, faxes and e-mails, to inclusions in bulk extractions, telemarketing campaigns and, of course, order processing.

Critically, Contacts provides efficient mechanisms for presenting data that is resident within external systems. Thus credit status, financial details and a wide range of complementary information may be presented to the contact centre operator through the single Contacts Graphical User Interface (GUI), even if that information is physically resident within, say, your accounting software.

 Integrated workflow and document management

Action and document management functions combine to allow the definition of a series of business rules that, for example will automatically generate a response to any communications activity that is categorised as, say, a complaint, or a high-priority sales opportunity. Cascading tasks, may be set ‘in train’, either manually, or entirely automatically to include repeats, delays, deadlines and dependency upon any number of preceding tasks being completed in advance. Such action management will be defined by whom is physically going to perform the action (an individual, a named group of individuals, or even a group served upon a first come first served basis). Additionally the action will be linked to the record of whomsoever, or whatsoever the action relates (individual, organisation, document, supplier, course, etc.). Thus, selection and analysis of pending, complete or incomplete actions may be very specifically targeted to monitor work loading and sales success / conversion rates. This will easily allow the escalation of any incident or process step for senior decision making, prior to returning the work to, say, a customer service administrator for further resultant action.

Clearly, the early definition of proforma actions and document routing rules will require the assistance and recommendations of the implementation team, particularly so because of the timetable that you have specified. However, a clear advantage of the Contacts Suite, in this respect, is the fact that the ongoing management and adjustment of these controls will fall squarely within the capabilities of the client. There is no question whatsoever that your business requirements will rapidly evolve. Responsibilities of staff and departments will change as, quite possibly, will your business model overall. We do not, however, expect our clients to be dependent on us, or our partners, in order to reconfigure the Contacts software options.

Customer profiling designed by the user for the user

On a similar theme, Contacts offers the client a great deal of control over how the data that is captured may be represented and made statistically or commercially more relevant. For example, finite numeric scores may be automatically generated as a result of a huge range of attributes and activities, both financial and otherwise, to provide a relevant (numeric) measure of such parameters. Perhaps a high earning, often complaining, regularly enquiring, contact, needs to accrue a calculated score of 100, whilst another individual who costs your organisation nothing to retain, should accrue 200 points.

The mathematics used to calculate such a score may be adjusted and refined by your marketeers as both their expertise and the volume and nature of the data that they have at their disposal expands. Scores will be used to highlight to every employee of your organisation, the cumulative or compound worth / potential of the contact or organisation with whom they are communicating (individual or corporate). Scores will also allow the selection from a very big list of potential targets, the best of those targets according to scores x y and z or, within a segmented analysis, ensure that conflict management is automated according to your organisation’s own rules.

Summary of Contacts Suite™ Strengths

It would be inappropriate to explore the entire Contacts Suite™ within this web page, so we can present only examples of how Contacts Suite™ can provide your organisation with a balanced and low-risk solution. The key strengths of the Contacts Suite™ software lie in five main areas:

  • The stability, robust integrity and unparalleled flexibility of the contact, organisation and transaction data presented by Contacts Database® as a platform upon which your business operation will be based;
  • The comprehensive order handling and financial transaction processing functionality that exists within the core product;
  • The flexibility and simplicity of workflow and document management function that remains within control of the client;
  • The strength of analytical, marketing and cross marketing capacity within the product;
  • The opportunity to define custom forms, custom tables, custom finders and custom mail merge attributes, in order to present information from multiple systems through a single interface, without recourse to any programming, and, yet, remaining strictly within the product’s upgrade path.

Proven Return On Investment

The implementation of the Contacts Suite™ has provided a significant Return on Investment to most, if not all of the organisations who are using it. Your organisation, too, should expect to improve upon the service, that you can provide to your customers, and achieve higher internal productivity, as a direct result of the availability, relevance and quality of information presented to your users. To see more of this exciting, flexible product, please contact TLCC Global for a demonstration of the software.